I do it for wine.

As I got ready to attend my 3rd or 4th event this week, I thought – what the hell keeps me motivated to attend all of these business events?


At the end of a long work day, one of the last things you want to do is go be cordial, charming and attentive at a business event. You can stop laughing now, (those that know me)…I can be charming. I know the value of it – connections, strengthening relationships, brand awareness, business development and community involvement…but it doesn’t make me any less tired. Who doesn’t want to throw on sweats, take off their make-up and Elmyra 4 dogs?

You wanna know what I do love at the end of the day? Wine, filled to the brim with ice. That is what pushes me over the hurdle at 5:00 p.m. to keep going, knowing that my reward is ice-cold red wine.

I am not afraid to admit that my motivation is wine, for a lot of things:

  1. Award events
  2. Luncheons
  3. Breakfast seminars
  4. In-law gatherings
  5. Family reunions
  6. Breakfast
  7. Board meetings
  8. Staff meetings
  9. Client meetings
  10. Date night

I jest, or do I? Who cares what your motivation is, get out there and network – drunk or sober. Also, just try red wine with ice in it…don’t mock it until you throw some ice cubes in.


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