Ladies Listen Up

It is time for you to dig deep, find intention and purpose, evaluate and grow, and most importantly take the reins of your life. I hope you find inspiration to do all those things and more here.

Inside of a cozy cabin

Accept the Damn Help

Why the hell is it so hard for us to accept help? The only time we’re in it alone is when we’re too stubborn to

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Ladies Listen Up

Rough around the edges

I was privy to an email the other day that referred to another female professional as “sweet and young,” and it wasn’t meant as a

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Ladies Listen Up

Be vulnerable

Today I cried in front of my staff. Me, Kim Bode…queen of abrasive, broke down. Be vulnerable. The reason why isn’t important, most of you

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Hi, I'm Kim!
Writer of musings.

Thank you for being here. For being open to being a part of an exploration of all things small business.

Mostly thanks for tuning into the musings.

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