The Great Resignation, The Great Exhaustion and Quiet Quitting

The Great Resignation, Great Exhaustion, and Quiet Quitting – sounds like a tragic trilogy that could rival Lord of the Rings. But instead of orcs and elves, we have overworked employees and haggard small business owners navigating the treacherous landscape of modern work culture.

Side note: Emma Stone from Zombieland is playing me; she’s got the bangs and badassness. Plus, I look great in black leather.

The Great Resignation

Imagine half your team deciding to chase their dream of becoming Instagram influencers or artisanal candle or cheese makers (shout-out to Tillie, who is probably doing it in her kitchen sink right now, much to her parent’s chagrin). Suddenly, you’re not just the boss; you’re the sales department, the IT guy, and occasionally, the janitor. To be fair, we’re already doing all of these roles…cause we’re small businesses, but we’d like some help. Also, does candle-making really pay that well? Don’t answer that, I don’t want to know.

The Great Exhaustion

If The Great Resignation was a horror movie, Great Exhaustion is the sequel. Everyone’s tired. You’re tired. The dogs are tired. The office plant is probably tired, too. We’re all just a bunch of zombies shuffling between Zoom calls, dreaming of a time when “You’re on mute” isn’t the catchphrase of our existence.

At least we brought back showering…well some of us did. You know who you are.

Quiet Quitting

And now, Quiet Quitting – because apparently, it’s not enough to be physically and emotionally drained; we need to add a layer of existential crisis. Quiet Quitters are those folks who are there but not there. They do the job, but the spark’s gone. They’re like the person at the party who’s physically present but mentally scrolling through their phone, plotting their escape – not to be confused with the person in the corner petting the dog (those people are cool).

For small businesses, it feels like being stuck in a game of Whack-a-Mole, where every problem you solve pops up another two. Adapting to these challenges requires a mix of resilience, flexibility, and possibly a sense of humor because, at this point, if we’re not laughing, we might start crying. Who are we kidding? We’ve been crying since 2020.

What’s a small business to do? Well, for starters, toss the traditional playbook out the window. It’s time for open dialogues, flexible work policies, and maybe turning those artisanal candle-making dreams into a team-building exercise. Who knows? The Great Adaptation might be the sequel where we all win.

P.S. You won’t make everyone happy, and that’s okay. Try to maintain your sanity. You got this.

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